Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blog 16: Self-Tracking

Gina Neff and Dawn Nafus explore the recently rising social phenomenon of self tracking and analyzing how it impacts peoples' daily lives.

It's important to note that the self tracking in this book refers to the self tracking done on technology. Self tracking in a looser sense has existed for a long time. People have always been able to track their daily actions on pen and paper, but it's the digital methods that Neff and Nafus are interested in. It's interesting because the correlation between self tracking and self discovery are noticeable, and self tracking may even help some people find self motivation.

Aside from self discovery, what could self tracking be good for? Well, it turns out that self tracking could potentially be helpful for use in the medical field. The only issue is the consistency and accuracy of information one tracks about themselves versus what the medical field can find out about you using their methods.

Works Cited:
Neff, Gina, and Dawn Nafus. Self-Tracking. Cambridge: MIT, 2016.

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